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Songs of Emzara

by Dangerous Song

Lizzie O’Keefe - voice & Linsey Pollak - animal samples & cylisax

’Songs of Emzara’ is a tribute to 16 of the species who at this moment struggle for their survival – the Indri Indri, the Black Crested Gibbon, Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo, the Humpback Whale, Blakiston’s Fish Owl, the Booroolong Frog and the Blue-throated Macaw... to name a few. They are present through their voices played by Linsey on his ‘Lyrebird’ (a WX5 midi wind controller). They are the characters that will take Centre-stage, it is their voices that you will hear, voices that will touch your heart.

We dedicate this album with love to the memory of Liesl Pollak 1954 - 2019.


released July 5, 2019

Composed by Linsey Pollak and Lizzie O’Keefe
Recorded by Pix Vane Mason at Pix Records, April 2019
Mastered by Greg Seiler and Andy Busuttil of Blue Mountain Sound

  • 5:59
    Dangerous Song (Linsey Pollak & Lizzie O'Keefe)
  • 6:21
    Dangerous Song (Linsey Pollak & Lizzie O'Keefe)
  • 6:24
    Dangerous Song (Linsey Pollak & Lizzie O'Keefe)